Malachi 3:16-17 Throughout the book the challenge is to make the people aware of the Lord's return so that they will be motivated to live a more Godly life (chapter 1-2). Part of the book of Malachi (chapter 3) deals with the coming of Christ. The very last chapter of the book mentions the actual events that will occur near the time of the Lord's coming.
In chapter 3 the reference to the last days forewarns the people that God is surely going to return to earth. Numerous items that need to be addressed by the people are discussed extensively in the first part of this chapter. The last part reminds the people that there will be a final recounting of the life they had lived when the book of life is opened. In that book there are the names of all saints but it is in verse 17 that God indeed describes his the people who have remained faithful. His followers are called jewels. How wonderful to know that I can be a jewel to the Lord and that his light will shine on me through his beauty. “They shall be mine, says the Lord of hosts, on the day that I will make them my jewels.” [NKJV].
Precious gems. Gems that are beautiful to God in spite of the problems and temptations where we have failed him. It is only in the heart that God truly sees who we are. And as a believer it is wonderful to think that I am a jewel, something glowing and lovely to the Lord.
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